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Here are your comments about
Samuel Hawkins' latest Superboy tale,
click HERE to read other comments in the MAILSACK! |
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Although I discovered your site yesterday, I read Tomorrow's Lesson today, which was tomorrow yesterday (hee..hee ???). |
First of all, I loved the story. I have an (almost) complete run of the "pre-boot" Legion, and it was great to see a new story with old friends. But, being the pedantic Legion fan that I am, I have to point out one continuity glitch. In chapter 4, a "still recuperating and tragically depowered Star Boy" is mentioned. Yet, in chapter 1, Superboy is musing about taking a passenger through time for the first time! But in Adventure Comics 283, Supes takes Lana on a trip to the 30th Century and meets a very much powered up Star Boy! On the one hand, I'd buy that "with time travel, anything's possible." But on the other hand, it doesn't seem logical for Superboy to take Lana on a trip to an earlier point in the 30th Century than he'd last visited. |
Hey Samuel: |
Thank you for allowing me to revisit the Legion that I grew up with and that hooked me on comics. You have captured the essence of each character as well as placing it into continuty so that it stands both as an excellant story as well as part of the larger mythos of the Legion. This is a treat for any reader! |
TOMORROW'S LESSON returned me to a time 40 years ago when I would take $.12 to the local news agency and buy my monthly ADVENTURE or LEGION OF SUPER HEROES comic book. This is the Superboy/Superman I grew to enjoy, not the watered down, anybody strong and alien can beat up, version we have today. I hope to see more stories penned from Mr. Hawkins soon. By the way, your rendition of MARTHA'S STORY brought a tear to my eye, remembering the "original" story of Ma & Pa Kent's death and their grieving son, so powerful, yet so helpless in the face of death, you captured that very well. Good Job!! |
It's with a sad smile that I read the last of this story. If nothing has changed since the interview, then this was Mr. Hawkins' swan song - because of a lack of time. Ironic choice to close on. |
Never say never, David. The final word isn't in yet, but there may be just one more Superboy story headed our way from the desk of Mr. Samuel Hawkins! |
Ah, that was great! Nice twist of plot there... using a Phantom Zone Projector to beat Mordru. Now that's our Superboy! |
OK, raise your hand if you think Superboy knows where he's at - wherever that is! Here's a kid who's just been helped a few chapters ago by a team member who got him to THINK BETTER! Yeah, my guess: he got himself together mentally and out-planned/out-thought Mordu, B I G T I M E ! Yeah, I'm looking forward (o) (o) to the next chapter! |
Years ago, there were strong differences of beliefs as to who was more important to the books - writers or artists. This debate is still brought up every so often, but Sam Hawkins' word craft shows that a truly talented story teller can do the job using verbal skills just as effectively as any other true "artist" can. The only REAL problem is how much time Mr. H may have available to tell the stories that may still reside within his imaginations. |
I just started reading Samel Hawkins' stories today: first, the beginning of Superboy, and then "Tomorrow's Lesson", featuring Superboy's first mission with the Legion, against Mordru. |
OK, now THERE's some stuff to write about! |
Supergirl could very well show up sometime, David, but as to whether it'll be in this particular story or not - only time will tell! |
Hot Damn! I've just read Taking Time and the first chapter of Tomorrow's Lesson and I've gotta say that Samuel Hawkins is one of the best Superman/boy writers I've e-e-ever read! I would seriously put him on a par with Elliot S! Maggin, and this is from someone who has read Last Son of Krypton about ten times! |
Very good opening chapter. This beats the mutant movie anytime, as far as plotline is concerned. |
"...evil figures...such as...the Gates..." Love it! A shot at Bill, and a Miracleman reference all at once! :) |
As are we, Robert - and you may very well be on to something! |
Dear Samuel: |
I have to say, I'm enjoying this story immensely. I've always liked the Legion's earlier period, and this story has that same magic (so far). |
You've got keen eyes and a sharp mind, Chris - I hope the change we've made meets with your approval! |
It's great, but I hope it takes place before Mon-El came to Earth in Superboy's time. Has Superboy gone to other planets in his own time yet? That would also help him get used to working with the future sights. |
Excellent questions, David! Here are the answers direct from Samuel Hawkins himself!
You know, speaking as an adult, I find myself waiting with much more anticipation for each new installment of every story you post. Tomorrow's Lesson is no different, and Samuel Hawkins' storytelling is to be praised. |
You can contact Mr. Hawkins via
email at |
What did I think of this chapter? TOO SHORT!! Loved the bit about '...the mermaid comment'. Well really, how else would you repond when told something like that? Great work, keep it up! |
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